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Wednesday 25 February 2009

Art Study of Glazing, Scumbling & Impasto - Holman Hunt

I previously wrote about certain techniques I viewed at the Art Gallery of Ontario’s Holman Hunt exhibit. I believe the artist painted the local colours, i.e. colour of dress, first. (This did not include the manner of painting faces or skin.) It then appeared as if Hunt laid darker transparent glazes over the local colour to make the transparent shadow. He might have used blue, black or crimson to paint a transparent glaze over a red dress. The artist scumbled a lighter colour over the local colour of the light side of the dress creating a semi transparent, translucent colour. This means that the lighter scumbled colour would also show particles of the local colour underneath the scumble. If there was a highlight, the artist would place a lighter opaque thick impasto stroke.

[Click on title of this post to read more about Hunt. You can also click on my link to the Art Gallery of Ontario to read more about the exhibit.]

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