Addendum: After I wrote the below post, I realized people in certain countries and/or under religious restrictions do not have the right to paint or view art. A number of years ago I searched the internet to read the Hamas’ Charter. Despite the 1929 Hebron massacre of the Jews and other aggressions, like many I was dismayed that Palestinians (including those in Gaza) gave Hamas a parliamentary election victory in 2006. I believe voting is a responsibility more than a right. Hamas’ repressive views of art are minor compared to their other views. How can Palestinians and others advocate the persecution and abuse of girls and women? How do they support the genocide of world Jewry and others; the destruction of Israel? How do they support an abusive education system? Therefore I recognize my views on art are minor compared to other issues. Given the above views of the flotilla activists did they consciously try to transport violence and weapons into Gaza?
My Post: In prior posts, I wrote about different color approaches to painting. Today artists are not constrained to paint in a specific style as they had been, i.e. academic approach, abstract expressionism. Artists are not constrained by Galleries as there are many ways to get our art shown to the public, i.e. the internet. Many people view my art and consider it impressionism. My art has many elements of impressionism. However, I do not feel constrained to paint into the light and I prefer transparent shadows. People also have the wonderful opportunity to view different styles and works by artists. While many galleries still have their opinions on art, besides the internet there are co-operatives and other organizations that give viewers this opportunity to see wonderful art.
Click on title of this post to buy images of my paintings on items, i.e. fine art prints, greeting cards, posters, and mugs. Customize style, color, border and more. Sale at Zazzle.com; see my shop announcement. If you received this post via email (feedburner), copy and paste this URL into your browser, http://www.zazzle.com/arlenebabadartist.
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Buy my original paintings. Paintings on canvas mounted on wood stretcher bars are $60 (20.4 by 25.5 cm, 8 by 10 inches). Shipping is free within Canada and the U.S. http://artbyarlenebabad.etsy.com/
In August 2010 my paintings will be exhibited at the Art for All Canada’s Rainbow Gallery. The Gallery is across from Toronto’s historic St. Lawrence Market. http://www.artforallcanada.org/.