I first did my figure on paper. With complicated subjects, such as figures and buildings or objects in linear perspective, I transfer them from my paper to canvas with graphite transfer paper. I decided on my overall design, hues and values. I use high viscosity acrylic paints. I like to place a matte medium over the pre primed canvas. It helps paint adhere to the support. I add a few eye drops of water to my mediums to improve flow. All other layers will be in gloss medium which is less absorbent. After the matte medium dried, I transferred my figure to the canvas. On Sunday, I started to paint. I use transparent glazes to build up values (light to dark scale) and hues (colours, i.e. blue, red). I add my paint to the medium and not vice versa to improve transparency. I glaze until near the end of a painting when I use opaque paints. Acrylic paints darken when dry. By painting with transparent glazes, I limit and control this color shift. I first started painting the dancer so I wouldn’t lose my lines and shapes. I did not complete the figure. I next started to glaze the background. I will continue to work on the background until it is finished except for final details. The background has a greenish hue because I used glazes of yellow orange and blue. I like to work from background to foreground. I can blur and dry brush the figure’s edges into the background. I had extended the dress on the left side as I had a tangent with the dress and arm. I have decided I will make the dress in that area smaller. This will create one negative shape - not two shapes as you see now. I also need to adjust the head’s profile.
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Click on title of post to buy my original paintings. Paintings on canvas mounted on wood stretcher bars are $60 (20.4 by 25.5 cm, 8 by 10 inches). Shipping is free within Canada and to the U.S. http://artbyarlenebabad.etsy.com
Buy images of my paintings on items, i.e. fine art prints, greeting cards, posters, and mugs. Customize style, color, border and more. http://www.zazzle.com/arlenebabadartist
In August 2010 my paintings will be exhibited at the Art for All Canada’s Rainbow Gallery. The Gallery is across from Toronto’s historic St. Lawrence Market. http://www.artforallcanada.org.